hammerDid you know there are all sorts of ways to tell if an egg is hard boiled... spin it, shake, check for bubbles, use a torch...

... but a hammer has a unique way of getting below the surface of an egg.

It's one of the best tests of all time - give the egg a crack and see what happens!


It's a bit like that with our faith in Jesus.   We are made right with God only through God's grace - it is not down to anything we do but what Jesus HAS done.  Yet when we come to God - he changes us.

One of the sure signs that we belong to God, that we have genuinely put our faith in Jesus is seen in the "hammer test".  You can shake us and spin us and check for spiritual bubbles and shines lights on us - but if you really want to see genuine faith, wait for the hammer test.

Peter talks about the hammer test (1 Peter 4:1).  He says when we are ready to suffer for Jesus, suffer for doing what is right - that is a sign that our faith is real.  The hammer test is the suffering test - are we ready to be one of God's people when it COSTs us?

When was the last time we did something simply because it was the right thing to do?

When was the last time we did something simply because it honoured Jesus even though it cost us much?

Check out the podcast below..